- E-Invoice
- It is fully integrated with
leading private
integrators in the sector, being the first e-transformation
application that came into effect in 2014.
- Incoming E-Invoice
- Incoming invoices are
queried and received
from the private integrator. Acceptance or rejection
processes are carried out for commercial ones. The system
checks the incoming invoice by considering the tax number
and invoices. Invoices entered into the records are archived
at the year, month, and week levels.
- Outgoing Invoice
- Outgoing invoices,
including front office
invoices and stock return invoices, are called up for
sending processes. A draft is created according to the
criteria requested by the Revenue Administration. Invoices
are sent to the private integrator after Schema and
Shematron checks. The status of the sent invoices is
queried. Invoices reaching their recipients are archived at
the year, month, and week levels.
- E-Archive Invoice
- Invoices issued by hotels
to end-users and
invoices issued to customers who are not e-invoice taxpayers
are called up for sending. After checks, they are sent to
the private integrator to be delivered to the recipient.
- E-Waybill
- Incoming Waybill
- Acceptance or rejection
processes are
carried out for e-waybills entered into the system. If there
are differences in quantities, they are entered into the
system. Invoices related to converted waybills are archived.
- Outgoing Waybill
- Waybills issued to
customers within the scope
of e-waybills are sent to the private integrator to be
delivered to the recipient after passing through checks.
After receiving the response from the integrator, they are
- E-Ledger
- It is the first e-ledger
software in the
tourism sector approved by the Revenue Administration for
the year 2015 when the e-ledger application came into
effect. Records from all modules and integrations are
generated according to the e-ledger rules.
- Berat işlemleri
- Firmaların seçimlerine
göre şube yada
tek defter olarak işlem yapılabilir. Ayrıca seçime göre
aylık yada 3 aylık dönemlerde berat işlemi yapılır. Berat
işlemi için öncelikle mali mühür gereklidir. Berat işlemi
başlatıldığında sistem kendi içersinde mali kontroller
yapar, bu kontrollerde geçilmişse eğer defter dosyaları
oluşturulur. İmzalama işlemi yapılır. GIB'e gönderilmek
imzalı dosyalar kayıt edilir.
- GIB'e servis ile berat
dosyaları yüklenir. Servis’in desteklenmediği yerlerde
dosyalar manuel olarak GIB’e yüklenir. İmzalı berat
dosyaları indirilir yada manuel indirilen imzalı berat
dosyalarI manuel sisteme yüklenir. Kayıtların boyutuna göre
defterler birden fazla parçada oluşturulabilir.
- Backup
- Completed ledger files are
uploaded to the
private integrator that provides backup services. The
secondary copy process is performed by private integrators
on behalf of the Revenue Administration.