IPTV Integration
Veboni ERP and IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) integration helps you increase operational efficiency while providing a superior television experience to your hotel guests. IPTV system transforms televisions in hotel rooms into a communication tool, allowing you to easily communicate information such as special welcome messages, hotel services, and event announcements to your guests. In addition, it provides access to information such as services, restaurants, local touristic places, and events within the hotel via IPTV.
Guests can access entertainment content such as movie rentals, live broadcasts, digital radio, and games via their televisions, while business travelers can access content such as meeting and conference information, presentations, and business news. Thanks to Veboni ERP foil integration, guests' hotel accounts can be viewed directly on the television screen, thus facilitating billing processes. In addition, the personalization feature offered by IPTV allows guests to watch programs and content in their preferred language.
These integrations help hoteliers improve the guest experience and make their operations more efficient, while allowing your guests to enjoy a personalized and enjoyable stay.

Pay TV Integration
Veboni ERP and Pay TV integration offers guests a high-level television experience in your hotel, while making your operational processes more efficient. This integration, offered within the framework of technical compatibility, is a powerful tool for increasing guest satisfaction and diversifying your revenues in the hotel sector.
Thanks to Pay TV integration, guests can easily access movies, documentaries, sports events and other special content via their televisions. Since these services are directly reflected in hotel accounts, guests' access to content is fast and effortless. The integration provided with Veboni ERP allows Pay TV services to be added directly to folio accounts. In this way, it eliminates the need to issue a separate invoice for guests, making payment processes more fluid.
In addition, hotel management can provide full control over Pay TV usage. For example, by offering customized options such as offering certain content for a fee or for a limited time, you can personalize the guest experience and at the same time create additional revenue opportunities for your hotel.
This integrated system allows you to provide more effective service in your hotel, while also helping you increase the satisfaction and loyalty of your guests.
Switchboard Integration
Veboni ERP allows you to easily manage your reservation management, customer information, room allocations, billing and other operational processes at your accommodation facility. Integration with the telephone switchboard makes these processes smarter and more efficient.
Thanks to Veboni ERP Switchboard Integration, full compatibility with the switchboard system is achieved. Phone calls made from rooms are automatically recorded in the relevant room folio. This automation both speeds up billing processes and minimizes the risk of errors.
This powerful integration improves your hotel's customer experience and allows you to provide a higher quality service to your guests. At the same time, it helps you save time and resources by increasing operational efficiency. Veboni ERP Switchboard Integration is an indispensable solution for businesses that prioritize customer satisfaction.

Card Door Integration
The integration of hotel door systems with Veboni ERP is an innovative solution that makes your guests' reservation and accommodation processes easier and faster. Thanks to this integration, the guest's room card is created directly based on the reservation record in the Veboni ERP module and the room is opened for use.
The system minimizes operational errors by allowing room cards to be created only based on the reservation record. The front office module automatically processes the reservation information and provides the guest with a key card to enter their room. If the guest's stay is to be extended or they are to leave early, this information is also updated instantly by the system.
This integration provides both guests with a fast and trouble-free accommodation experience and saves time by reducing the workload of hotel staff. It increases the satisfaction of both your business and your guests by creating the opportunity to provide quality service to more guests with fewer transactions.