Offers Full Control for Your Business
Developed specifically for the needs of the tourism and hotel industry, Veboni ERP offers a strong solution for all businesses with its central consolidated structure. It provides both single and consolidated transaction and reporting opportunities thanks to flexible authorizations that can be made on a workplace, transaction and record basis.
With multi-currency support, you can manage records in different currencies from a single account, automatically create exchange rate difference records and perform detailed currency-based reporting. It is possible to monitor transactions both in local currency and in original currency and also create reports according to a specified currency type.
You can simplify your processes with the expense center feature in income and expense tracking and receive detailed reports when necessary. Department-based income/expense analyses can also be easily prepared. You can also report the transaction details of a cost center in detail.
You can track your financial periods uninterruptedly in the same database and continue your year-end transactions without requiring a transfer. Full integration with modules such as finance, inventory, purchasing, fixed assets and human resources allows your business processes to be managed in an integrated structure.
Veboni ERP, which leads the sector in e-ledger application, stands out as the first tourism e-ledger software to receive GIB approval. It allows you to easily fulfill your legal obligations by processing records from all modules in accordance with e-ledger standards.
Efficiency and Control in Financial Processes
Veboni ERP works independently of the accounting fiscal period, eliminating the need for year-end or year-beginning transfer transactions. Thus, your financial planning continues uninterrupted. You can track different types of currencies on a single card and manage your debt/receivables status on a business basis. In addition to debt aging, you can see your real risks by making document-based payment matching. For accommodation businesses, customer accounts and future-dated reservations can be automatically included in risk tables. If desired, voucher-based matching is also possible. Periodic online reconciliation can be made via e-mail addresses defined for current cards and digital responses are automatically processed into the system.
Invoice Management
Front office, stock and service invoices can be tracked in local and foreign currency. Compatible with e-transformation applications that came into effect in 2014, Veboni ERP works integrated with the leading e-invoice integrators in the sector. Incoming invoices can be easily imported into the system to reduce data entry errors and save time.
Bank Transactions
Bank transactions can be entered manually, and can work integrated with commonly used web portals. Transactions can be crossed according to different criteria via the portal, and can be transferred collectively or individually. Payment plans can be created in the system and prepared as files in the formats requested by banks. Transactions can be accounted for online or with manual control.
Check and Bill Management
Received and issued check/promissory note transactions can be tracked easily via the system. Designs suitable for different receipt formats of banks can be prepared and printed.
These features allow you to manage your financial processes more efficiently and error-free.
Maximum Efficiency in Warehouse and Inventory Management
Warehouse Management
Warehouse cards are created in different categories according to the facility needs. Receiving warehouses are the places where the first entry to the facility is made. The goods warehouse at the vendor provides tracking of products connected to vendors. Unit departments known as "underarm" in the sector and expense warehouses used only for consumption can also be defined. More detailed reporting can be done by associating warehouses with cost centers.
Unit Definitions
It has an unlimited unit definition feature that accelerates purchasing and warehouse transactions. Sub-units are added according to details such as brand and packaging depending on the main units. The system automatically tracks the transactions according to the main unit.
Purchasing and Stock Cards
The stock system is organized with three-level categories (Main, Intermediate, Sub). Information such as product name, barcode, unit, VAT rates are added to stock cards. In addition, different purchasing cards can be defined and brands, product alternatives and packaging options can be processed.
Requests and Transfers
Departments can send their requests from the main warehouse to the specified units. Requests are subject to approval processes. Requests that are available in stock are transferred, while incomplete requests are converted into purchase requests.
Counting and End of Term Procedures
Counting entries can be made regardless of specific periods. Warehouses can be counted from main or sub-units, counting operations are supported with mobile devices. Consumption or surplus receipts are created according to counting differences and are processed into the system after the necessary checks.
Costing and Reporting
Consumptions are calculated according to the average warehouse balance. Inventory and cost reports can be exported to Excel for detailed analysis. Per person consumption costs can be reported by taking into account the number of front office employees.
This structure provides a fast and error-free workflow in warehouse and inventory management.
Ecosystem Solution for Hotels and Suppliers
A structure has been developed that will create an effective ecosystem between hotels and suppliers. This system allows suppliers to quickly and easily enter product prices into hotels’ B2B accounts. At the same time, new suppliers who want to make price offers to hotels can share product and price information. In this way, a transparent and effective business network is created that will benefit both parties. Suppliers can follow hotels’ price offers and orders from anywhere with an internet connection.
Contracts and Price Lists
Tedarikçiler, belirli bir tarih aralığı için ürün fiyatlarını, indirim oranlarını, marka, teslimat ve ödeme detaylarını sisteme kaydedebilir. Bu, taraflar arasında şeffaf ve net bir anlaşma ortamı sunar. İmzalanmış sözleşmeler ve paylaşılan fiyat listeleri sisteme kaydedilerek iş süreçleri hızlandırılır. Ayrıca, tedarikçilerin sunduğu ciro primleri sisteme tanımlanır ve belirli periyotlarda otomatik olarak hesaplanarak faturaya dönüştürülür.
Demand Management
Tesislerin ana depolarından gelen talepler dışında, departmanlar doğrudan satın alma talepleri oluşturabilir. Stok, malzeme, hizmet ve demirbaş talepleri ayrı ayrı takip edilir ve tesisin belirlediği onay süreçlerine tabi tutulur.
Offer Process
Talep edilen ürünler için önceden tanımlanmış tedarikçi gruplarına toplu veya bireysel teklifler gönderilir. B2B kullanıcıları teklifleri kendi sistemlerinde anında görüntüleyebilirken, B2B kullanıcısı olmayanlara teklifler e-posta yoluyla iletilir.
B2B kullanıcılarının otomatik olarak girdiği veya manuel olarak eklenen fiyatlar; marka, ödeme koşulları ve tedarikçi puanları gibi kriterler doğrultusunda değerlendirilir. Değerlendirme sonrasında, uygun tedarikçiler seçilerek sipariş onay aşamasına geçirilir.
Order Management
B2B kullanıcıları siparişlerini kendi ekranlarından takip edebilir. B2B dışı tedarikçilere sipariş bildirimleri e-posta ile yapılır. Teslim edilen siparişler, tesisin tercihine göre sipariş ya da alım faturası olarak sisteme işlenir.
Thanks to this innovative structure, processes between hotels and suppliers are accelerated, costs are reduced and business efficiency is increased.
Easy and Secure Payment Solutions
Veboni ERP E-Collection System allows you to make your collections with credit cards quickly and easily. It makes your transactions safe and practical by offering your customers online payment options. The system saves you time by turning your collections into an automatic process.
How does it work?
You specify the amount you want to collect and send a payment link to the B2B, B2C, guest or agency. When the other party completes the transaction, the payment is automatically transferred to your bank account.
All you need to do to get started is to apply for a virtual POS from your bank. Simplify your collections with Veboni ERP E-Collection and manage them safely!