Secure Your Documents
The Veboni ERP Digital Archive system offers easy access to all documents in your business anytime and anywhere. Including documents in the digital environment into the workflow speeds up processes and increases internal efficiency. The system eliminates the time and labor loss that may occur due to physical archiving and enables archives to be stored in accordance with security standards and legal regulations.
Digitalized documents are secured against the risk of loss and file integrity and content originality are preserved. While security is increased with authorization-based access, traceability of documents is also ensured. With Veboni ERP, you manage your documents regularly and secure the future of your business.

Document Classification
Veboni DMS offers organizations the most efficient way to organize, access, and share documents. Properly classifying and managing documents improves business processes, increases efficiency, and facilitates rapid access to information. It also ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
With Veboni DMS, you can categorize and label documents based on their subject or function. For example, by creating categories such as 'Customer Contracts' or 'Financial Reports', you can make your documents more organized and accessible. This structured approach simplifies document management and enables you to run your business processes more intelligently.
Corporate Content Control
Veboni DMS offers a powerful solution to organize and manage your business's content. By effectively controlling your content such as texts, images, videos, it ensures that your business has a regular and reliable content flow.
This system optimizes the content production processes of organizations and facilitates the transfer of accurate and consistent information to customers. It also provides the necessary infrastructure to protect your business's reputation and strengthen your corporate identity. Manage your content effectively with Veboni DMS and make a difference in your business processes.